Circuits 9T


Before working on our Digital Electronics unit, you should first review circuits (hopefully review from elementary school) and learn how to setup circuits using a breadboard.

Virtual Circuits

For this assignment you will be creating 3 circuits using a Circuit Emulator available on Tinkercad:

  1. Go to TinkerCad. Click on ‘Sign In’ (NOT ‘Join Now’). On sign in screen, choose Sign In with Google. Then Sign in with your educbe email.

  2. When you get to the TinkerCad Dashboard, choose “Circuits” on the left hand side and then “Try Circuits” and follow the tutorial screens.

ONCE you are familiar with TinkerCad Circuits, you will now create the following circuits using a Breadboard, LEDs, pushbuttons and resistors, and a battery IN TINKERCAD:

Circuit 1 Build a circuit on a breadboard which includes a resistor, LED, small pushbutton. When you press the button, the light should go on.

Circuit 2 Build a circuit on a breadboard which includes a resistor, 2 LEDs, and small pushbutton. When you press the button, the lights should go on. The LEDs must be IN SERIES.

Circuit 3 Build a circuit on a breadboard which includes a resistor, 2 LEDs, and small pushbutton. When you press the button, the lights should go on. The LEDs must be IN PARALLEL.

Physical Circuits

ONCE YOU ARE DONE THE ABOVE ON TINKERCAD, show Mr. Hogg, hand-in, and then get ACTUAL (not virtual) LEDs, Batteries, Breadboard, etc. and build them on the physical breadboard. You will also need to get a CIRCUIT SHEET.

FILL OUT THE CIRCUIT SHEET AS YOU WORK. Make sure the resistor you have is 500 ohms or less!

You will need to hand-in the CIRCUIT SHEET once you are done building and drawing the schematic for all 3 circuits.